Our services
Our CEOs
Mrs. Selma TOTIC
Organized over 10 000 EVENTS in 20+ years
Our company is a recognized as a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) in the region. We have passionate professionals will assist you in every single phase of the project. We provide full organizational support for the technical, the creative and the logistical implementation of the event
Translated over 1 MILLION PAGES
World-class INTERPRETERS at your request
- Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation
- On-demand interpreting solution service for institutions, organizations, and individuals
- Interpretation available via video, phone or in-person
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We can help you discover your next great read @POLICA where you will find current best sellers in books, new releases in books, deals in books, and so much more. We have popular genres like belletristic, drama, poetry, classical literature, children literature, science literature, policy books, instructions manuals and more.
Database of more than 15 000 EXPERTS
Corporate travel arrangement
Congress Travel Service was founded in 2015. We started as a small business but became very competitive agency in the travel market, by providing world-class corporate travel management and delivering extraordinary service to our clients.
Succesfuly implemented more than 40 EC service contracts
Sincerely yours,
Zhanna de Voogd
The CEPOL FI Team,
Istvan Magyar, Ksenija Krizman, Jose Lafuente, Frans Moorman, Anda Galuillin, Andreea-Larisa Larisa Onea and Alexandra Jerabek.
Monica Sandri
Frédéric André
Managing Director
Your sincerely,
Xavier Matheu de Cortada
Head of Thematic Policy Unit
Umut Ergezer,
Acting Director
Your sincerely,
Judith Geerling
European Association of History Educators